Hi there folks,

Quick blog.

Just had news that Little'Un's choir group are giving a concert on November 28th at the Baptist Church in Oldham, they have said it will be good practice before the big Christmas concert at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, Oldham in December.
Little'Un is dead excited about it all.


Unknown said...

That's not good. That's not good at all.

Have you been in contact with

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

AZZITIZZ said...

Hi Nick,

He won't admit he has a problem,I daren't contact AA, he would blow BIG TIME!
He says he only drinks to relax after working so hard and the stress it causes.
I have tried and tried to talk to him but am wasting my time.
His argument is, he doesn't need a drink the minute he wakes so he hasn't got a drinking problem!!!
Unfortunately, with all the money he spends on it, we DO have an food, repairs and bills problem!!!
Thank you very much for the prayers, I think we need them.
Love Azzy

Unknown said...

Wow that is scary man. It's hard to believe the situation and just the events that led up to how it is now.. Life has a funny way of throwing curve balls at us, so cross fingers that curve ball comes soon. Music is a hard business to earn money from in the beginning but as soon as you start rolling, it will hopefully get easier for you.

Anyway dude I like your blog, it's very enjoyable to read (i'm know im' sick at enjoying reading someone is suffering..) Hope your room mate sorts his shit out.


i beati said...

pledge to yourself to be brave enough, strong enough , and smart enough to change - you can I had to several times in my life- it made me sick sad and crying but it worked after a hard time trial..Get all your friends and relatives to

AZZITIZZ said...

Thanks Sandi,

The only way is up when you've hit rock bottom isn't it?
It's just hard while down here.

Fingers crossed we have an OK Christmas, Little'un isn't expecting anything so anything she does get will be a bonus and a surprise.

Gonna try my best for her.
